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Something Is Happening In Antarctica! Will We Be Fooled or Freed? Informed or Deceived?

C K George

(Editors note: I am editing and co-writing some of the most explosive and ground breaking research I have ever seen. This is an urgent message so please forgive if I leave in some of Chance George's first person narrative to retain the flavor of his enthusiasm. Third person references to Chance are my contribution. Activist Angel).

Are we witnessing, at this time, the biggest revelation to hit this planet in recorded history since the discovery of fire? A revelation so big that even the corporate "main stream media" will be forced to cover it? Alternative media is already freaking out and the religious extreme Christians are currently in the process of seriously losing it.

Is there a secret about to rock the foundation of every thing we know hidden away below the ice in Antarctica? Whatever they showed to Buzz Aldrin gave him a heart attack. If that doesn't grab your attention, how about if I tell you that we may not want to fall for a single word of it. My readers should know by now we're a little bit ahead of the curve here. You shouldn't be shocked if we find out this is a major falsified event. Let's expand on this, shall we?

For those of you who don't mind being called a "conspiracy theorist," this one may be the granddaddy of them all. It seems to me that the end of a multi thousand year plot may be upon us. Will it succeed? Or if we tell the "secrets" do the "secret societies" and their machinations lose their power?

Various scenarios seem to be playing out before our eyes. To anyone trying to follow along, the world appears to be spinning out of control, getting crazier and crazier every day. To the adepts and initiates of the modern day versions of the ancient secret societies, things seem to be going (mostly) according to plan. Some things appear to be not quite on track, considering where they would like to be, but there is still a plan. It appears to be a contingency plan, created in the event of a world wide awakening, or a world wide citizen's investigation. They have the money, we have the numbers, it's what has always frightened them most. Researchers around the world are finally talking about "pedogate," or "pizzagate," and other silly names. What they describe and divulge is anything but silly. The sickening truth is that a form of child rape and sacrifice, along with satanism and even torture is practiced by a staggering number of "elites in power." The more staggering fact is that this practice is centuries, maybe many centuries old. Many think it is a spiritual battle, that Satan and Demons are fighting Jesus Christ and Angels. Many others think that the "Satanism" angle is just used to manipulate minions and underlings in to doing the bidding of the truly diabolical puppeteers. That is a debate that is still going on in Activist Angel's mind for instance. (See our previous posts).

The fact is that this practice is real, and is being exposed at an exponential rate by an unstoppable swarm of real, decent and brave humans. If you are reading this, you are likely one of them. More on that is available to the curious.

Back to Antarctica and why it is important now.

More and more people are becoming aware of the deeper truths, from the scamming of the economic systems, (essentially economic slavery), to the hidden technologies that can transform humanity, to the depth of the horror perpetrated on kidnapped children. If these things reach critical mass these fiends (or minions of Satan if you are so inclined), will be hunted down, even in their New Zealand underground bunkers.

Suddenly, at this very moment, it seems as though a number of elites are being shown "something" amazing in the southern most reaches of our planet. From "prince" Harry to the pope, astronauts to diplomats, a massive number of live bodies have suddenly taken an interest in a continent that has been purposely skipped over by Google Earth for some strange reason, (since it's conception).

True believers in the supernatural, spirit worlds and hollow earth; UFO buffs, Atlantean seekers and "Nazi" hunters alike are becoming aware of the presence of something huge about to break in Antarctica. Is it buried ancient pyramids, woolly mammoths, or even an ET city with "giants" in stasis?

Maybe it is just giant bones, gathered from other places,...saved for this "discovery?

Is it proof of Extra Terrestrials, or just of another human era long rumored and systematically covered up?

Is it "Nazi" bases, whatever that term means any more,... Atlantis... Hollow earth? Inter-dimensional star-gates????

All of these disclosures and/or distractions; and many more theories, are being pointed to as either a true sign of the end times or a blazing hope for humanity. However, we who sit atop the evolutionary curiosity spectrum must always look very critically at any and EVERY thing. Is this really what's happening? Unfortunately we must entertain the possibility that whatever they tell us may be being "exposed" to serve an agenda that is not in our best interest.

In the last 16 months a staggering amount of information is coming from the south pole; but this is not the first time that has happened.

Did you know that Admiral Byrd, the fellow who "explored" Antarctica kept a diary? Did you know that he recounts stories, backed up by his command, that include seeing wooly mammoths and being captured by an ET and told to cool it on the Nuclear weapons? Lots more on that later.

Did you know that on the very day of the 2016 U.S. election John Kerry went to visit this vast waste land? How completely odd is it that one of the highest US ranking Official would leave the country for such a weird destination, at such an important and controversial time.

Another fascinating report is that after the first meeting with the Roman Catholic Pope in (???) years, the highest ranking Russian Religious figure, the "Russian Orthodox Pope" took a special trip to the South Pole to do what?... hang with some penguins? Research climate change? Are you kidding me? What is truly happening here?

Not to be out done, the Pope himself has just made a visit.

Most decent researchers are convinced something paradigm shifting is going down; but what is it for real? First let's talk about what may be about to be "discovered." (One thing we know for SURE is that this is NOT some new "discovery." This has been kept under wraps for a very long time, to be rolled out on a special occasion... like when they need to give all those parents of missing children something to think about besides the truth).

Originally, at first glance, I thought they were going to "find" an ancient city ruin such as the lost Atlantis. This would create quite the stir; but it may not be the event that is being "planned." The more I looked at it I really could imagine a live stasis roll-out, (giant ET's in suspension pods)! With the many, many biblical hints referencing giants roaming the earth in olden days, and returning; along with the recent propaganda, it might even make sense. A race of giants could be exactly what will be "shown" to the public. ...That would certainly be enough to give an aging astronaut a seizure...

If this is the scenario, whether it is hibernating Big People, or ancient bones gathered from around the world and saved for this "contingency," these so called "authentic giants" may be described to the sheeple as "ancient biblical," or as Extra Terrestrial. Either way, it would engulf every headline around the world. Any other headlines, such as "John Podesta arrested, charged with sadistic child rape and murder," or, "Saudi Arabia really gave 20 million to the Clinton Foundation to pay for kidnapped Haitian children," would be relegated to the last page.

At the point of this discovery, some major leader, perhaps the "Final Pope" as many are calling him, might offer up some version of "disclosure." He might tell us all about the decades old Alien contact, or introduce the Space bother of Adam... (for the Bible people). "This amazing and Holy "brother of Adam" not only did NOT bite the forbidden apple, but also stayed in the heavens with God himself." Will we be encouraged to follow a new set of commandments? Will all world religions crumble in an instant? Be very wary, friends, of anything that comes from the mouth of the "Pope," until you do serious research in to the "Pope's Audience Hall" built in the 1970's. Prepare to be thoroughly shocked. Chance goes into this angle of the potential disclosure in great detail on his show Truth Talk, Episode 37 The Final Pope ( Aired On 02/27/2013), almost 4 years ago now. Check that show out for more detail on how that was set up.

At the bottom of this page we will include at least one video detailing the mass of Antarctica anomalies the curious world is freaking out about right now.

Editors note: I have been researching a long time. Hold on to your hats because what Chance has uncovered is nothing short of world shaking.

Hidden in the maze of history are some rather astounding facts. The contents of Admiral Byrd's handwritten diary and his subsequent testimony to the President and Congress about what he found in Antarctica rank right up there with the most amazing, suppressed and monumental stories of all time. Byrd started out to Antarctica with 4,000 men in what may have been a "land claim" expedition. The fact that the Germans were very interested in the continent, and that there were at least some "Nazi" bases there has been well established. Perhaps Byrd was sent to plant an American flag, perhaps he already knew more than the public was told. His diary and testimony about that adventure are now in the public domain. With everything that is going on today, we ought to take seriously the claims of one of the most respected and capable men of his era.If someone of Admiral Byrd's stature says he was captured by a "beam" and met with a "master" who gave him a message specifically because that stature would allow him to be believed more easily, what do we do? President Truman's choice, in 1947, was to shut him up. 15 years later, Byrd chose to come forward with a book, in the second year of the Kennedy presidency. For serious deep state researchers those dates are rather significant.

Operation High Jump, it was called. February 19th, 1947,

Authors note: Angel was very disappointed to learn I was unable to download the video interview the Admire gave. I did locate the actual footage from that very mission and day seen here in a rare video. Please also note the video makes several references to "Hollow earth" which I do not claim to be true here. I am only trying to source the fact of this operation in history. In this video the Diary is shown in text on screen.. I have typed it out HERE so you can have it open to read along for yourself at your own pace.

Admiral Byrds plane was disabled and safely landed by some kind of "beam." His men were taken in to subterranean tunnels and he alone was taken to see a "master." Whether this was an actual Extra Terrestrial, someone that lived or still lives underground, or some terrestrial with advanced technology we can't be sure. We do know that a highly respected military officer and his well trained staff all told the same story.

Here is where Chance and I get in to an argument that we will hopefully continue in another article. Chance thinks the "beings" that warned Admiral Byrd may be gone, and that the fairly evil "powers that be" are planning to co-opt the entire "base" for their own sinister agenda. I can't imagine them going to all that trouble, then taking off. Plus the evidence that we should all be dead from the mox fuel in Fukushima, except for some sort of "divine intervention" (to quote a senior Japanese official), is fairly substantial. Our debate about the nature and activities of whatever E.T. beings and secret space programs will continue. For now, Antarctica is going to explode soon, on that we both agree.

Another thing we should all agree on is that we can not trust anything at all that is told us by the corporate media. We must assume that they are doing the bidding of the most dangerous enemies the Constitution Of The United States has ever faced; that would be the banks and corporations that Thomas Jefferson warned us were "more dangerous than standing armies." Anyone who is not paying attention to the current exposure of the blackmailed pedophile and satanist rings that these enemies have used to manipulate political and cultural institutions has their head in a box.

What we do know is that Buzz Aldrin, (or someone claiming to be him) tweeted this before leaving for Antarctica:

We're ready to go to Antarctica! May be our last opportunity to tweet for a few days! We're go for departure to the launchpad!

At some later point he was then evacuated for an unspecified health emergency and we have not heard from him again... except for this tweet, sent and then deleted?

"We are all in danger. It is evil itself"

Accompanied by a photo of an antarctic pyramid.

Did Buzz Aldrin really tweet and delete such a post? Did someone else do it for him? Are we being manipulated like lab rats?

Now as we speak headlines around the world are talking about a possible finding of Pyramids or Atlantis. NASA says a whole sunken continent is under New Zealand. Are these trial balloons? Hints? Warnings? No major final announcement has happened but Chance says it is coming, and soon. Look deeply at his research and you will find someone whose ideas and predictions should be seriously considered.

With the internet on fire the stage is being set for the announcement that a lost city has been FOUND! Does this mean that finally the hidden ET energy technology will be revealed? Or is this a giant headline grabber? Will we learn of the super secret space program that isn't supposed to exist; but has some how chewed through trillions of black budget dollars? Or should we look carefully at what is suddenly being relegated to the last page of the paper, if reported at all? Byrd reported wooly mammoths. Is that all we will get? Will there be E.T bodies, alive, in stasis or dead? Will it be sold to us as a "secret Nazi base," or an "ancient human city," or a "buried extra terrestrial city?" Is there a way to prepare people for what we are about to see on one hand; and on the other be prepared if it is indeed a trap; set by the cornered demon rats themselves?We are seeing something play out. Whatever you call them, the elite, the cabal, the Illuminati, Order Of The Quest, Knights Templar, Order of the Rose and Cross, The Freemasons, skull and bones, the list goes on, there really are secret conspiracies. Whether they will succeed or collapse in disarray is a big Angel and Chance debate.

This "new world order" crew knows that for the first time in history the general population is being awakened to what is up. Not the masses, mind you. Not the 99 percent of the "profane," (fancy word for Muggles); but a core number. Perhaps even a critical mass of take-no-crap leaders, researchers and fierce protectors of children are coming on the scene. A hundred monkeys ain't got nothing on a million angry moms.

Geniuses on the web are breaking down false flag scenarios in real time! This is in stark contrast to the days when the information is hidden behind "national security" for 50 years. "They" know that this time we could very well band together and out them. We have huge names like Robert David Steele, Paul Craig Roberts, Steve Peiczenik, Jim Fetzer, Joachim Hagopian and even Chance George and Activist Angel telling us that there are good people, behind the scenes effecting a "coup" against what used to be the unassailable "deep state."

Are there finally enough informed people, truly sick of the drug running, child trafficking (way too nice a word for what goes on), war making and economic uber-theft that is perpetrated by rogue "compartments" within the "intelligence agencies" that we have a chance? Could this world wide citizen's investigation and uprising, triggered by some pedophile code words in John Podesta's hacked emails really provide cover for "white hats" within our institutions that have been waiting for the day when they can round up the real live satan worshiping/child raping monsters in our midst? Angel says YES! Chance is not so sure, but hopeful.

Now with a "loose cannon" himself in the White House,

(Editors note: ​who Newt Gingrich told us on Fox is "not a part of the secret societies" and "hasn't been through the initiation rites"),

are "they" scared?

All the right people seem to hate Trump and his Attorney General Jeff Sessions; the Bush and Clinton crime families, the blackmailed war mongers like Graham and McCain, pedophiles, satanists. That seems a good sign to Angel. Chance is not so sure.

Are "they" really worried? Chance says not. He says they have had the back up plan in motion for as long as the plan A has been moving. Angel says it is hopeful because plan "A" is having to be scrapped for plan B in the first place.

Here is what Chance believes that can not be dismissed; that "they" always were aware this uprising against their hideous crimes could happen, and have had this disclosure distraction scenario ready... and that scenario is now. What better distraction than "the biggest discovery of all time," right? Angel thinks there are deeper forces at work, whether spiritual or deeply human, and that whoever "beamed up" Admiral Byrd is still a loving friend of humanity, who has not abandoned us. These entities operate under a principle similar to the

Prime Directive in Star Trek; or as reported in Pravda, Russia's premier newspaper, The head of the experiment [Alexey Savin] explained that humans were like small children to them. [The ET's] "Our civilization is too young to be of interest to them as a subject for a dialogue. Because we are also a part of the universe, we may harm ourselves and other civilizations with our foolish actions, so they are looking out for us. "

Many people in the research community might be fooled, and latch on to the coming headlines. Our readers will now have some foreknowledge, and might just be like, "here we go!" When this is revealed that's when we will need one another more than ever. Chance says, "yell from roof tops that we are not falling for it!" Angel says now is the time to contact your local leaders, your ministers, teachers, politicians, and everyone you know that would be looked at for advice and comfort if something this shattering is "announced." Tell them "something" is coming and to check back with the real research community after they learn you were right. For Pete's sake it has been publicly acknowledged that a serious plan to have a holographic "Allah" appear over the skies of Iraq during the war was considered. Should we be prepared for something of that magnitude? What if a giant hologram surrounded by chemtrails of "bonding and belief neuro-chemicals" happens in the sky over vulnerable populations? Will you just breathe in the Oxytocin and fall in love with everyone around you as Jesus floats down from the sky? (Look up "Project Blue Beam"). We are saying be ready for anything, and believe nothing, at least at first.

Chance has so many strange theories and possibilities that it boggles even Angel's vast imagination. Could any large giants or "biblical Nephilim" we might be shown actually be WW2 Nazi genetic experiments? We know that most of the top ranking Nazi commanders and scientists all fled Europe. Some we brought to the U.S. in Operation Paperclip, but the majority of them went via U-boat to South America. After stopping for a while to make the Boys from Brazil and lots of twins, did they really continue on to Antarctica? Who were they joined by? If we and the Russians have secret posts there, interacting with the next generations of Germans, does that make us Nazis or did they lose the title? Is the Master that beamed up Byrd, or a new starship crew still there? Did we team up? Inquiring minds want to know.

Chance proposes that Hitler and Mengela, his genetic scientist, may not have been looking for the Aryan race. They may have been looking to unlock the genetics of the "Ubberman" or Super Giant race of creatures or human/ET bloodlines. We know they had a mass campaign for clones and twins. Could this be where the Mammoths and other strange beings seen by Byrd and soon to be shown to us came from? Not 10,000 years of frozen history uncovered... more like 100 years of secret science programs? Angel agrees, we must consider all the possibilities, not blindly accept whatever they feed us.

The grand finale, of course, is going to be contact, or official disclosure. Will it be the Steven Greer free energy full disclosure kind, or a "limited hangout?" If a new "ET leader" announces a new set of commandments and morals, will that really create a one world religion? Will a one world monetary system or a one world army be forced to form? Will countries be quick to form a global alliance? Or will there be strange pockets of resistance, as segments of society freak out, embrace what they see, or some other unforeseen reaction.

Angel thinks that any disclosure will lead to the inevitable realization that energy can be produced in huge quantities for nothing in everyone's back yard. This will lead to food, desalinization and community being produced locally. Chance sees a huge push for Trans-humanism and cyborgs. Angel thinks no one will want to snuggle with robots and that no amount of legislation or advertising can make cyborg sexy; decentralized energy and food will create a huge boom in community living and intergenerational interaction.

You see there are some interesting debates coming. Watch for new articles. Chance has information and evidence about the Mount Graham observatory that can see through the cloaking devices on the ships, and how they casually mention having to wait for them to move before they can look at the sky properly. Watch the video below called "2045 A New Era For Humanity," and look at the many other links, articles and videos that Chance has for you. If I don't focus us on this immediate issue, however, we will be swept away by his voluminous research and amazing analyses. Hope you dig deeper.

This really isn't an article meant to definitively prove any of what I (Chance) am saying. It is more of a warning to consider what is possible, if not probable. No one has all the answers. I hope this is a reasonable assessment of some of the possible scenarios we will soon likely see unfold.

It may be something none of us have envisioned. All we know for sure, after all, is that something is going on in Antarctica. Whether you will sit in wonder, afraid of what comes next, or you are prepared for a potential psy-op and become a resource for your frightened friends and neighbors depends on your willingness to keep an open mind.

My only major concern is that even the "truth movement" will be taken in by a false scenario. Please pass this message far and wide. If we are even slightly prepared for the "shock" we will be safer from any potential dis-information.

We have the bad guys scared. If this turns out to be a last ditch, desperate attempt to hold on to the control, our steadfast freedom from fear, skepticism and Love will be our finest protections. Fear is "their" tool. It's why their propaganda organs in the media spew out a steady diet of nothing else.

"God fearing Christians" may see this as the end time. New agers may think much the same, but only if they accept the story at face value.

There is so much more. This article hasn't scratched much of the surface. Stay vigilant my friends! Remember where you heard this! Do research if it pleases you.

If and when this does happen... we hope you know where to turn for the next wave of information. Thank you.

Edited by Activist Angel


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