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What is the Freemason's Stance On Flat Earth Theory?

C K George

Arguably one of the major points about the Flat Earth is the role of the Freemasons... Many of the Flat Earth researchers are quick to comment "it's all the Masons" but what do the Masons really say? When they speak to each other what is their stance on the subject? Is there a code they use? I believe there is and I also know from reading their own material it was easy to find out many of these internet claims about the devious masons are mistaken.

Unquestionably one of the greatest books written of all time is Manly P Hall's The Secret Teaching of All Ages, An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy written in 1926 through to 1928. This colossus of information seems to be the type of literature that is passed amongst the illumined or secret societies such as the Freemasons. I bring up the masons as they appear to be listed as perpetrators of the Flat Earth vs Global Earth debate. This group of so called Elites has been named as a controlling hand in the conspiracy. NASA is masons, the major scientists are all masons. While those facts are true, I know by reading their own admissions to each other through books like this one above that I should be able to catch them in the act. These writings need to be examined for any evidence or admissions. It didn't take long before my assumptions we confirmed, less than 120 pages in, I had my answer. First lets look at Manly himself, Hall an honorary 33° Freemason the highest honor conferred by the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite. He was also the founder of (PRS) Philosophical Research Society. If any man knew the secrets and helped pass on knowledge it was Manly. So here is his own words on the subject of Flat Earth over three decades before the creation of NASA (created by a Mason President by the way).

Hall states..

Did you notice the complete description of both systems along with his working knowledge of the two... he goes even further in explaining the two and which is the correct verses this dis-info.

Hall continues..

Here we see that Hall has admitted the difference between the two theories and that one is not meant for the masses. He calls geocentric exoteric and referrers to heliocentric as esoteric. Admitting this out right could partly be due to the hope not many even recognize the difference in words but also admits some of the principals while incorrect appear correct in nature. Lets just look at the 2 different words used here:

Exoteric vs Esoteric

first exoteric...

As you cam see it clearly states suitable to the public, which would indicate that the geocentric or earth is the center of the universe, stationary and the cosmos moves around us is information that can be released to the general pubic.

and now Esoteric

you can read above this type of esoteric information is only meant for a small circle of initiated. Let me think for a minute, a small Circle of initiated people, that sort of sounds exactly like the Freemasons themselves.

To review, in one of the most elaborate masonic works of text, passed around for generations to come. Written by one of the most honored members. This hidden information about the earths correct position in the universe was transmitted. The very masonic position on the subject is that the correct model is the Esoteric Heliocentric model. While also admitting the lie meant for the ignorant public is the Exoteric Geocentric model.

This may not sit as the definitive proof of a round globe but what it should at least do is show people that the information being repeated by the Flat Earth Movement should be looked at the ensure it is the correct information. As we see in just this one example , the claim "the Masons are behind it" is in fact false. If you are in the flat earth side of the debate maybe this is one point to stop using as your proof because if it can be so easily debunked it really doesn't help your case at all.


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