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Did Rudy Giuliani just admit "It's all true"? From Pizzagate to 911

Writer: C K GeorgeC K George

When some one mentions Rudy Giuliani I can honestly say that I am not fan. I really believe he has been critical in burying the 911 story. America's Mayor.... more like Israel's Mayor. I really have a hard time finding even two words on a positive note about the man... until last night. While surfing for online footage of the Russian ambassador's assassination I ran across an unbelievable Tweet. In fact, it is so unreal I spent the rest of the night taking screen shots and trying to figure out if this has any weight to it. In a final tell-all Tweet to end a series of seemingly out of character Tweets, the former Mayor makes a statement that can only be described as explosive. Can this be a hoax? Or are we looking at the first honest politician ever? If it is a genuine tweet, this is going to get buried so fast our heads will spin and completely covered up. On the other side, if this is a fake people could say it is a "plant" to further discredit alternative media. I won't make this a long post, but I knew some comment was needed. The claim that this account is fake should be looked at first. There are more than one "RudolphGiuliani" Twitter accounts, created at different times. Here is a screen shot of the explosive account in question, (exhibit A)

As you can see it looks very official. This account was created in April of 2016. The only other possible "official account" is a different one shown below (exhibit B), created 4 months later in August 2016. While this one is now claimed to be the "real one," it looks less official as the banner picture is very pixelated and distorted. Furthermore, it has less tweets than the explosive account. It has more followers, allegedly, but many fewer "likes" (81 vs 5). Exhibit A has a picture of the New York Sky line with a nice clean looking, very presidential kind of "legacy shot" as a profile pic. Exhibit B has a very busy banner. Knowing how egotistical and fastidious about their images that politicians are, Exhibit A is much more in character with a man who was running for president. Can you imagine him choosing that strident profile pic in exhibit B, and then another one of himself looking down with a bunch of other people behind him distracting from his glory? Exhibit B's banner picture has many people and different focal points, no real reason to even look at the man on the podium. The "profile" picture seen in B also has a dark background and foreground. This would be a terrible choice for a marketing expert or any hired help the Mayor certainly would have had when creating or selecting an image on a platform as valuable in this election season as Twitter. These seem like minor details but they can be important. The bad guys tend to be bad at covering their tracks and are running out of talented minions, if Exhibit B is a purposely created fake, perhaps in anticipation of Giuliani "going rogue," it was not well executed. I am not here to make the call whether this is fake or not. Realistically, I think it is less important that one particular social elite may have given up his go-along to get-along attitude for a so called death-bed confession via twitter. I think the bigger deal is the shit storm that has been dragged up because of it. Thousands of searches, articles and viral stories went up fast. It may be true that this helps the elite when the truth orientated community jumps on every wild story so the "fake News" card gets played again. The real deal is that so many people and websites are talking about the content of the tweets... Pizzagate; the satanic child sex ring that has now been exposed at the heart of Washington DC. The debate about whether that is real is the subject of many other articles. (see or see Joachim Hagopian's fine work at Editors note: I do not think "they" would use information this close to home for a "fake news" trap. They don't want this stuff mentioned at all, they have seen it backfire and gain traction too many times. Plus Rudy has disappeared, they haven't even put up a CGI of him to debunk this. If they did, and smart folks saw through it they are busted. If Rudy is alive and in protection, or dead, any high technology fakery would prove his statements right and explode the truth community with analyses and the story would be more viral than can be imagined. They are stuck here, and Rudy knew it.

Next I'll show the complete archive of the so called "meltdown" Rudy tweets below. The first "off normal" Tweet comes on Dec 19th (the day that Trump secured the presidency, and the power to protect and/or convict?). The last "normal" post was made just 3 days earlier on Dec 16th.

After the first Pizza-gate Tweet on the 19th, if this was a bogus account created in the name of a major public official (8 months earlier?) it would have been stopped or deleted. If it had been hacked this would also result in an immediate take down. (Jack Dorsey, CEO of twitter is an admitted satanist). Instead we saw the following... post after post of either absolutely crazy slanderous material; or an earth shattering confession by a major public official.

The grand finale, of course, was the final tweet. It was in letter format called "Official Statement from Mayor Rudy Giuliani." If this letter is authentic it is to the truth what Willy Wonka's golden ticket is to a zit faced young boy. This gem of a tell-all goes from confirming Pizzagate to a confession and exposure of 911 truth; like this quote, "A word about 911. To those who believe the official story. You have been duped." (Rudy appears to have taken a cue from the Donald and skipped the media, taking his case straight to the masses via the genie out of the bottle that is social media. The "fake news" censorship being pushed is one hell of an attempt to stuff that genie back in). One other fascinating aspect is that who ever this is, Rudy or not, tells us that the media would lie about it; even that we could see the use of well advanced CGI (Computer Generated Imagery) in an attempt to debunk this release. Read Exhibit C below carefully. Is this what a man in Giuliani's position might write and Tweet out if he were in fact privy to the kind of knowledge he claims? Does it sound like him? Or is it a very clever forgery; an 8 month old fake account or a recent hack in to a real account? Where is Rudy? If the information were fake, wouldn't he or his CGI be out "debunking?" There are a lot of questions.

So here is my take, for what ever it is worth. There is going to be more intel needed to confirm or deny either way, but I don't think it matters if it is true or not. I mean that in the way that, if it's fake, the story got out, went viral and has many more people thinking about Pizzagate. People may have even been "fooled" which helps the fight against these heinous crimes even if false pretenses were used. Police use entrapment and lies all the time to get criminals to confess. On the flip side, if this is real, it will be covered up and "debunked" as we are seeing now; so no "mainstream" traction will come of it and we in the alternative media will continue our investigation. My point is that people are talking about this, the content is getting out, and we would be missing an opportunity not to jump on this.. the more articles with Giuliani and Pizzagate in the title the better. I think any researcher should capitalize on this opportunity as in; write an article about the Mayor's involvement in this story, and then include the details about the real story. I will take my own advice and post many links and articles in my own findings. Please go through these and share the stories you can confirm for yourself. I don't like lying or dis-info but playing your cards right to make a bigger splash some times is needed. I hope Giuliani is ok. If he did do this I hope people pray for him as he asked because he has done something incredibly brave. Like I said before, I don't like this man or excuse any of his past crimes. I only hope this, as a story, drives attention to the children who need the help the most. Not Giuliani himself, not the media, not the alternative media and their hit counters, just the kids. Take the time and share this information.. please.


The following are Links found on the Internet, please check facts and sources than share.

It started when specific food-related words like pizza, hot-dog, cheese, pasta, sauce, ice cream and walnut appeared with high frequency in Wikileaks emails sent by Clinton associate John Podesta.

The discovery of these peculiarly-used food terms combined nicely with an earlier Wikileaks release of an FBI document from 2007, “Symbols and Logos Used by Pedophiles to Identify Sexual Preferences.”

This was also made into a slideshow shortly after its initial FBI release in 2008. You can find the slideshow by inputting the code number Q-FBI-2200-005-06. It appeared in SlideShare, a division of LinkedIn.

The Podesta emails went public as of October 7, 2016, and were devastating to the Clinton campaign for other reasons, at least initially.

“[Podesta] was Bill Clinton’s White House Chief of Staff back in the 1990s, Barack Obama’s Counselor to the President, and Chairman of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.”

Out of 2,060 total emails in the first Podesta collection, there are 149 instances of “pizza”, 73 of hot dog, 85 of cheese, 78 of pasta, 41 of sauce, 84 of ice cream and 47 of walnut.

The word “map,” which can refer to a telltale clue that could destroy the entire crime ring if left behind, such as through DNA evidence, appears 917 times.

That’s almost half of all the emails.

These words often appear in very, very bizarre contexts that have nothing to do with food. That is one key element of Pizzagate.

The term “pizza” itself appears to be code for a sexual partner, particularly if it is a minor, and again appears 149 times.

Although “walnut” appears 47 times in very strange ways, the equally popular nut “cashew” doesn’t appear even once. This is most likely because “walnut” is a code word and “cashew” is not.

“Vegetable” only appears 24 times. “Pear” only appears 25 times. “Grape” only appears six times. “Avocado” only appears four times. “Strawberry” only appears twice. None of these are code words.

Law enforcement authorities and online “Urban Dictionary” resources have identified the specific terms we just mentioned – pizza, cheese, sauce, pasta,– as code words for child sex trafficking.

Three examples from John Podesta's emails

The central nexus-point for Pizzagate research on Reddit was censored as it went viral, as were the backups, but thankfully captured it at its peak on November 22nd (JFK day)

The greatest “plot twist” of the 2016 election was when FBI director James Comey announced that 650,000 new emails had been found on October 28th

Hillary’s campaign manager Huma Abedin was married to Anthony Weiner, who was caught in a months-long online sexual relationship with a 15-year-old girl.

The 650,000 emails, thousands of which were Clinton-related , were found in a folder on Weiner’s laptop entitled “Life Insurance.”

Sensationally, the day before the election, Comey announced that no new evidence had been found in the emails, which have not yet been leaked.

On February 4th, 2011, Andrew Breitbart tweeted, “How prog-guru John Podesta isn’t [a] household name as [a] world class underage sex slave op cover-upper defending unspeakable dregs escapes me.”

Then, a year later, all throughout February 2012, Breitbart telegraphed the release of a video that he said would appear on March 1st.

This video, he claimed, would be severely damaging to Obama’s re-election campaign. “Wait till they see what happens March 1st,” he said.

Right before the anticipated release, on February 28th, 2012, he tweeted, “How much longer until they kill me (“heart attack” or “car accident”) or frame me for a crime? Read me while you can.”

Andrew died of an alleged heart attack on March 1st, 2012—just two days later. Coincidence?

The archived Reddit thread has much of the initial Pizzagate evidence that generated countless legions of YouTube videos.

Here are the two biggest things missing from the Reddit Pizzagate thread that are likely to be relevant:

1. The owner of Comet Ping Pong’s name, James Alefantis, appears to be a pseudonym cipher designed to resemble “J’aime les enfants,” which means “I love children” in French;

2. The character who performed at Comet Ping Pong wearing a red ski mask, black sunglasses and a blonde wig, “Majestic Ape,” appears to be James Alefantis as well.

James Alefantis is still listed on GQ as the 49th most powerful person in Washington DC.

Hillary has claimed that her favorite restaurant in New York is Roberta's Pizza

On December 15, 2014, Life & Style Weekly wrote, “If you follow Miley Cyrus on Instagram, you've probably noticed that the 22-year-old is weirdly obsessed with pizza. In 2015, Miley dressed up as a hyper-sexual baby, complete with a pacifier and baby clothes, in her video BB Talk.

Macaulay Culkin was one of Hollywood’s most visible child actors in the 80s, such as through the “Home Alone” movie series.

In 2012, he formed Pizza Underground, a band singing Velvet Underground songs where the lyrics were changed to be about pizza. Velvet Underground openly advertised heroin use in many of their songs.

Every single Pixar film since 1995, except “The Incredibles,” has had a “Pizza Planet” delivery truck hidden in it, as this video montage reveals.

Another weird connection that has since emerged is from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

The secret to the Mutants’ super-strength came from eating pizza. Sexual trauma can be used to create MK-ULTRA compartments in the mind. Pizza now appears to symbolize this trauma, in part.Once the programming is introduced, it can be used to train assassins who develop unusually powerful abilities – just like the Mutants.

A video has surfaced of Mary-Kate and Ashley Olson, at about age 6, doing a rap music video entitled "Gimme Pizza" with three other girls of the same age.

An article from The Guardian in 2004 revealed that Podesta installed a lockable underground vault in his house to watch “awkward videos”:

In a Wikileaks email from January 31st, 2014, entitled “Last night was fun,” Tony Podesta wrote to his brother John,

“Still in torture chamber. Another question. Do you two wanna have feb 14 valentines day dinner?”

Dinner, of course, has a whole new connotation in light of the code words we have now discovered.

“Dr. Steve Pieczenik has made a series of serious accusations on YouTube Pieczenik is a Harvard Ph.D. and was Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance and James Baker….He also served the presidential administrations of Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush.....Tom Clancy has literally based books on this guy’s experience….



Edited by: Activist Angel

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