As readers of this blog are aware, I posted an article titled JULIAN ASSANGE IS DEAD... HOW I KNOW. In this article, written on the 5th of November, (remember remember), I detailed how Julian was missing, well not really missing, taken. A few people called me crazy or off track but I stood my ground; as I did regarding my detailed article about Hillary Clinton's satanist connections; months before the Wikileaks revelations. In the article, I let people know about the Embassy being taken over, and Wikileaks being shut down or co-opted. I had found the reports of a man with a bag over his head taken from the Ecuadorian embassy in London. Another point I made was that the voices were different in the "proof of life" phone call audio made by someone just after all these events went down. Alex Jones now admits on camera that he ignored reports... ignored?? Why would you ignore reports of the most wanted man in the world possibly being murdered, and the biggest whistle blowing operation on earth being taken over? There was not one word from "Mr. Freedom" until readers of his site filled his comment sections with links to my and other articles written about this.

The newest information is that Wikileaks itself is asking people to stop inquiring about Julian's whereabouts!!Did you hear that? Stop asking about him and his whereabouts?? This should be a huge WARNING to whistle blowers.. and that is a vital point. The word MUST be gotten out so that any whistleblowers are aware that they may be walking in to a trap.In addition, "Wikileaks," or whoever they are now, is asking everyone to "send all their information about pizzagate to us," alleging that they will gather and release the information as a sort of clearing house. Considering the possibilities, "Wikileaks" is likely the last place anyone should trust until and unless real proof is provided that Julian Assange is alive, un-compromised and still in charge of the organization. The satanist child rapists that infest our upper "elites" are the most dangerous and sick people in the world. If they now have somehow stolen or tortured the secrets out of Julian, it is time we be very cautious, and come forward in numbers so vast they can not stop us. Reddit was shut down (right after several posters claimed to have hacked in to a secret child porn section of Comet Pizza, and were asking what to do about it. They couldn't download it and carry it to a police station, and they had found the FBI and Justice were in on it. When the "authorities" are the perpetrators, where do you turn?
This picture alleges to be of one of the pages they hacked in to, and one of the pages they found
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CyGv7q8VQAEMxGw.jpg:large), and now voat and it's pizzagate threads may be the best place to look at the worldwide citizen's investigation.
At last we may have stirred the hive of humanity to action. We can not... we MUST not stop now.