It is time to call it like i see it. No one has seen Julian Assange since the internet was cut from the Equadorian Embassy on October 17th. Immediately following the cut off, there was a compound raid at the Embassy, in which a dozen armed men entered the compound and a hooded man was taken out, according to sources, and some people whose phones were confiscated. Then a strange tweet from Wikileaks went out, including what is thought to be a "Deadman Switch;" a code that allowed the release of Assange's "insurance." This was widely believed to be very seriously damaging evidence that he hoped would frighten off his would be assassins.

All that we are given to disprove his demise is a really poorly done fake phone call. The voice technology seemed good, but the actor blew it on some of the dip-thong vowels, showing he was originally a cockney English speaker, not Australian. How convenient he couldn't Skype in. Listen when he says the word "pedophile" it comes out "pedofoil" in a completely lower class British, not Australian accent. I listened to hours of the real Assange speaking to compare, and this voice was completely different from any other time I've heard Julian. Julian is a very articulate and intelligent speaker and does not... I repeat does not duh duh duh stutter through his sentences, and then have long drawn out pauses when he speaks. Assange may be a lot of things but stupid isn't one of them. He is articulate and precise when speaking. He never pauses long between sentences let along during a sentence itself. Also he spent the first several minutes claiming he was Julian Assange and listing his credentials, which was completely out of character. Remember the 911 phone calls, "Hi mom, this is (give full name here)?" What person tells his mom it's him by listing his full name?
Compare the 2 Videos
Confirmed Julian Assange Video
So Called "Proof of Life" Video
OK, so, if he is alive, why has he not come out with a newspaper and selfie picture, date included? Why have the multiple Hillary releases not happened as promised? One more key question, how did the Podesta emails get uploaded on Monday despite Wikileaks being taken off line on Sunday. All this is simple to answer if you can just admit it... he's dead! I don't normally call a spade a spade until I've vetted the cards and know what's in front of me. In this case I think it's obvious. I can't produce a death certificate but what I can do is show you just how obvious it is that the man is gone, dead, finito.
Wikileaks promised Hillary's head on a platter... didn't happen. Wikileaks put out some strange tweets including a so called "deadman switch" Wikileaks internet was shut down, the compound raided. Witnesses can verify the events and they also say that cell phones and cameras were taken from said witnesses.

John Kerry was in London for a "meeting". I believe to talk Assange out of releasing the next emails, or conducting the operation himself. The London Airport was evacuated in a strange tear gas can false flag to keep anyone from noticing the raid. Google stopped anyone from searching about Julian Assange. A weird report of Pamela Anderson visiting Julian, bringing him a vegan lunch some say to poison him ( I bet that's what killed him lol). Just a few weeks earlier someone tried breaking into the Embassy at night to assassinate him. All of these things are pretty damning on their own; but when you include the fact that another co-founder of Wikileaks is found dead, & the top lawyer for Wikileaks was also found dead, we know there is more to this.

On the 23rd of October it was announced Gavin MacFab was found dead. Long time mentor and friend to Julian; he was co-founder of Wikileaks. There is no word on what killed him or how he died at all.

Just a short time earlier we learned that a 44 year old lawyer for Julian Assange, John Jones, was found dead of a suicide after train ran him over. Just like in House Of Cards! This come almost exactly a month after the first batch of Hillary emails came out.
Can all of this be a simple coincidence? Of course not. Julian is under attack in Hillary''s own version of an October surprise. Going after the Clintons is a dangerous task. Ask the former "DC Madam" about it... oh wait you cant, she's dead. She hung herself a week after telling everyone that if they say she committed suicide they are lying. How about some of the more recent people coming out against Hillary, like Mark Rich and Arthur Ashe, ....oh wait they're dead too! There seems to always be a long bloody trail behind the Clintons. Until any proof can come out contradicting my analysis I will be sticking with the assumption that Julian Assange is dead. We are for ever in debt to him for his work but we urge people who find themselves coming up against this monster to be careful.. Mr Gowdy you too should heed this warning.
**** Updated 11/13/16 ****
First I had to re upload my comparison video of the 2 Julian Assange comparison videos as the first one I posted has been removed. Comments below have even noticed more speech comparison errors so the more footage you can view the better.

A new stunning confirmation that taking Assange out is "in the cards". The infamous Illuminati Card game does it again with a bang on resemblance to Assange with the tittle saying "And STAY Dead! I myself don't take that at face value as anything can be created online. I searched for the oldest article with this card included and i could find them for sure in 2010 - 2011, which means this wasn't created by me or just the other day during this speculation but years ahead. If they truly are from the original set than this is 22 years old.
We were also supposed to see some huge Wikileaks release the day before the election..... but nothing. Nothing new since for that matter. I will continue to update this as new Intel comes out. Hopefully I can say how wrong I was and he is still alive, but sadly I don't even believe that.
Edited by: Activist Angel

About the Author: Chance K George
is Author,lead researcher & Talk show host of MBC' s Break through show TRUTH TALK. Co - Founder and Executive Producer at The Media Broadcasting Center. Husband & father of 3 beauitful children. Martial Arts expert with multiple Black Belts. Production Engineer & Stage Musician.