There are a few "Conspiracy Theories" that stand out in the crowd. Did we go to the moon? Who really killed JFK? Was 911 an Inside Job? These are a few of the better known moments in time that have been questioned.
There are also some more obscure ones that may not be as renowned, but tend to have an impact on the people who learn about them or believe them. Shapeshifter Reptilian Aliens pretending to be George Bush (and others) and the world being sprayed with poison chem-trails (geo-engineering with Aluminum particulates in the troposphere) are making the rounds, (one is not true, the other is). For the sake of this article, the most interesting are the Flat Earth movement and the "Mandela Effect."
For those who don't know, the Flat Earth movement is huge! And trailing right behind it is the main subject of this article, the Mandela Effect.
We can't just rule out something because it sounds crazy to most people right? We all sound crazy to the uninformed talking about any of the subjects mentioned above; but we can not forget that some "conspiracy theories" may be dangerous and damaging to the whole truth movement, and may well have been planted and encouraged to discredit truth seekers. If a huge story like the Flat Earth goes viral and is found out to be untrue, it can give cover to anyone trying to make the other "tin foil hat" theories sound less credible. It's called disinformation.
Are some of these subjects fake to stop people's real credible research on government fraud or false flags? You can just hear it now... "Hey man check this out, I found that Sandy Hook school shooting might be a phony story, look up this documentary," spoken by said researcher to a new seeker. The next day the guy says back, "Hey I typed that chick's name into google because I didn't remember the name of that movie and all that came up is that she thinks the earth is flat! Sorry dude I went back to baseball." That may not be the whole story, but it is something that can happen. Without naming names, one of the top female Sandy Hook researchers; someone that had outstanding findings...there was no way to refute her work... is now a full on Flat Earther! I believe the fiends responsible for the real false flags use this as a key for the masses to simply write off her findings by lumping it in with her other work.
Now I'm not here to bash the FE or Mandela Effect, (note from the editor: I WOULD like to bash "FE"). I'm glad people question everything (note from the editor: Questioning is good, being an idiot is not): but what if you rush right in and post on a topic, then three weeks later you regret it? Do you then feel wrapped up in a movement you might not even agree with anymore? A real wake up for me early on was when I found out what Co-Intel Pro was, and how fake stories were used. Shouldn't we find it suspicious to notice that the at same time Hillary was announcing to the world that there is a war on for you mind ...an information war... and that "they" were losing that war, she went on to say steps were needed to infiltrate, create and overthrow growing movements worldwide? You can find this all with just a few Youtube videos or Google searches.

Come on people! We can't sit back and watch this happen!
I am on the anti-trusting-government side, I go to 911 conferences; and I covered the G20 chaos here in Canada; but this "anything is true cause a You-Tube channel said so" crap is not going to cut it anymore.
I wanted to give a little background before you think I'm lashing out at the Mandela topic. Sometimes people see someone who disagrees with them, and then think they are being attacked, that is not the case with me. I can't speak for my editor :) (Editors note: just having a little fun. I'm allergic to boring).
I want to help, we are small, but are growing larger as a community; taking on huge business, years of programming and a large group of people are completely against us and the truth we represent. Why not team up with all the movements that do no harm?
At first, I found The Mandela Effect quite interesting. For those of you who don't know, it is a very sophisticated and mind bending theory that elements of reality have been changed around us. "Mirror Mirror on the wall" being changed to "Magic Mirror on the wall," even in people's old DVD's and VCR's was a famous example. Another was that Ann Rice fans were shocked to see that the title of her book had been changed, at a sub-reality programming level, from "Interview with 'A' Vampire," to "Interview With 'The' Vampire." (Editors note: that one really got me). Of course the effect is named after the fact that many people remembered Nelson Mandela having died in prison, and then suddenly he is president of South Africa.
I believe I remember a lot of other "Effects" too... not all, but a few sure made me think. Once when I found in my own house 2 different versions of the same Snow White book; one said Mirror Mirror and the other said Magic Mirror, I knew I couldn't be in both time lines.. Ah ha! Case closed. Well, for me.
Then I saw post after post about how now the "Effect" had changed the JFK assassination scenario. Not a chance in hell was this gonna fool the JFK thruther guys... they have been at this for over 50 years... I myself a long but shorter time. I wrote my most popular article, Why The Mandela Effect Fails At JFK... The Proof in which I show that the claim of only 4 people in the presidential car (attributed to the "dimensional shift" that changed history but not memories) to be false. I then showed the real 6 person car with photos. Since that came out new videos were created claiming the one and all proof; a magazine showing the 4 person car from 1963. Here's the big problem with that, I dug up the whole article instead of just the lead story and headline picture. The rest of the article showed the 6 person car as well as naming everyone involved. The very article they gave as proof, is totally against their theory. Did they create the videos on purpose? Or were they just a bunch of people who made the same viral mistake?

Now we could argue all day long about this; but I really felt that's exactly what they want; us doing just that. If we fight about what shape the earth is, what dimension we are living in (when the so called smart ones fight about Hillary and Trump... I start to question myself what dimension we live in), we aren't fighting them, or talking about important, current, real conspiracies and issues. As long as we never talk about all the child rape, human trafficking, complete terrorist wars of aggression by states like the US and Israel, bring on the Flat Earth. As long as the talk never brings up who creates this mass of debt and wealth off the monetary system itself, or phony voting machines, or geoengineering, keep up the Mandela Effect musings.
So, in the interest of the unity that I strive for (my editor... not so much... kidding); instead of debating your Mandela experience I want to share what I found in my research on the subject.
First; why use the name Mandela Effect, instead of The Magic Mirror Effect for example, which would fit better for the theory? I believe it is because the specific name Mandela needed to be used and worked with. It would be used as a main target of conflict. People in South Africa have reported the leader dying in the 80's and never getting out of jail. This was long before and Mandela Effect existed. Then there was the final death announcement as found in the Ministry Of Truth, Wikipedia, (serious sarcasm), dated 5th of December 2013. The real news though is that Wikipedia's trustworthy final date is a fake date; but not due to a dimensional shift, but to hide the real date of June 26th. Below you will note it was announced on June 27th, that he had been taken off life support and died.

This was immediately removed from the internet like so many other interesting things. Until we get a bit deeper it seems odd to delay this death... why?
Well in the official version (dimension 1) he died December 5 which meant the 10 Day funeral was held until the end of the 15th. Ok so why is the 15th important? Remember the major build up in 2012? All of the fear about the end of the world, long count calendar ends and no one knows what happens after that? Well the date came and went, and nothing was seen to have happened (just as I predicted on many radio broadcasts). People began to wonder if it was simple the wrong date.. well... it turns out it was.
The first error was in the math calculations. The simplest error was starting to count using the number 0. When we speak we never say 0, 1,2,3 we simply count 1,2,3 and the same is true for the year of Christ it is not called 0 B.C. or 0 A.D. it simply skipped it proceeding to 1. This changes the date to later by one Mayan cycle, ending on the date of December 16th, 2013. The Mayan believed that Quetzalcoatl would ruturn as a Feather Serpent on this date.

Unbelievably that's what actually happened, or something that could be interpreted that way. Comet ISON was set to appear from its trip behind the sun for all of the world to see. We have seen these comparisons before. A flying object, (to ancient man flying meant it had wings or feathers). Then a comet has a trail behind it or a tail kind of like a snake or serpent. Did ancient man predict comet ISON 5000 years ago.. perhaps they did!

The same ancient knowledge has been passed on through the mystery schools, religions and the secret societies that are now in the process of trying to finalize taking over this planet. (Editors note: Good luck with that suckers, we are on to you!). These people believe that they could turn man into god through this same rising ceremony process we see in Egypt and the Osirian story. Are you starting to understand why 91 world leaders might make an excuse to find themselves in South Africa at an altar built to invoke the rise of Sun Gods at the exact moment predicted 5000 years ago? Could these people really be bathed in occult mysticism and believe this ancient mythology?
Sound crazy? It gets worse. A group with some of the oldest hidden Occult knowledge is the Knights Of Malta. Some of the most powerful people in the world are Knights, like the Royal heads of state in Europe, and people like Nelson Mandela himself. The Knights have guarded "hidden" knowledge that they believe is about the death and resurrection cycle. (For people concerned with Child trafficking and missing children these are some of the very people running those operations). The Jewish Star of David is the same as the star of Moloch, god of child sacrifice and the exact idol we see at Bohemian Grove and as well on the dollar bill. Now-a-days even kids clothes and toys are showing us the Bohemian Grove sign of the Owl. It's sick once you know.
We are starting to see the bigger picture now, heads of the major world powers meet for a fake funeral just to be at the right place at the exact moment in history that most cultures portrayed as the most important time in history. Were they right? Is there something to this ancient gobbledy-gook? Or are they a bunch of idiots who get secret blood transfusions to extend their miserable lives and don't really have any evil demons or reptile alien overlords helping them. Perhaps they are not supernatural or invincible at all, just a bunch of seriously evil assholes.(Editors note: I wrote the last four sentences. Unity Schmoonity).
We live in a time right now when for the last 2 years or so a lot of people have focused on the Blood moon phenomenon, in which 4 Blood moons happen on 4 Hebrew holidays. Many

people thought this was some sort of dreadful sign. Could it be the leaders believed in the theory that it was an occult sign; telling the story about what we are seeing here on earth? To be "Occulted" is to be "hidden." Did they believe that when the moon is Occulted on Hebrew holidays it's a sign that the Zionist control is being "covered over," or conquered, by the new controlling hand of the New World Order; the Jesuits? For the first time in any recent history a Jesuit Pope sits on the throne of Saint Peter. The Jesuits are the real start to the BRICS nations against Zionist money control. Why else would Pope Francis, who fits the prophecy of the "final pope" perfectly call for a new global banking system. The 'S' in BRICS stands for South Africa.... Where have we heard South Africa? Oh yeah, that's right, 91 world leaders were just there quite possibly discussing the very topic of dumping the current economic scam for the next. They were even waiting for the prophesied comet-snake in the heavens to herald their new form of economic dominion.
But what happened? The comet, which was supposed to be so spectacular that everyone would bow in awe as they watched it streak across the sky, disintegrated! So much for their cosmic signs. Let's hear it for "Mayan Prophesy!" Hopefully they got the divine message.
So, to be clear, this Mandela Effect has nothing to do with alternate dimensions ...and CERN. (Do I think CERN is some innocent lab just looking for the "God Particle"? Hell No!! What I do think is that I could write a whole other article about the craziness at CERN.(Editors note: Hope so!). What I also believe is that they needed a few conflicting stories concerning Mandela's death, and created this phenomenon. The rest of the so called effects can be explained one by one. Some may have been intentionally created and the rest spawned through the same rumor mill that starts most viral fear. I could mention a few right here, but once again debunking the Mandela effect is not my goal. I just want people to know that the Babylon Mystery schools never went away, in fact they are bigger than ever and coming to the end of a multi, thousand year plan. Expect an attempt at a grand deception. These same "occultists" believe they will pull that off also in all their now discredited "end time prophecies."
Here are just a few examples of provable bull shit being passed as effects:
1. Forest Gump's "Life is like a box of Chocolates," is now, "Life 'was' like a box of Chocolates." How is this possible?
Simple, both lines were actually said in the move, mamma herself said the first but after she passed away in the movie it was changed in to his own tense and became the `new` memory.
The Berenstain bears vs Berenstein bears. This should be easy once you realize the Book is a series created by Stan and Jan Berenstain and continued by their son, Mike Berenstain.. enough said.. you are simply mistaken if you remember differently. Go actually look it up instead of finding fake pictures. (Editors note: there is another reason that Chance can't talk about cause he's Canadian.)
Fake pictures seem to be one of the easiest ways to achieve this. Take the Depend vs. Depends conflict. When you google either one and click images, both "Depend" and "Depends" are seen. If you physically click on the "Depends" photo, you can find out it's on a website called MandelaEffects.com! Once you have that in the google search look at the top few links. Notice the top one is an Ad for Depends with an S but right below is the link to Depend the company itself, and out of these 2 what stands out? Well, the second one has the little registered copyright marker, the first one does not! These small things are easy to pick out once you try, instead of fighting with your memories.
Further, you can set the parameters to a year by year advanced search. When observing a constant result for as far back as I could go for "Interview With 'A'Vampire," I got lots of results prior to 2010. Only after 2010 did the term "Interview with 'The' Vampire" result in lots of hits. In a digital age there is no way to trust things you can independently verify. I do not think there was a meeting with a bunch of evil minions picking which movies and effects to change..(Editors note: Or was there? Bwa ha ha ha ha!!!)
I think the Mandela death itself, and possibly a few of the others, were ever created to start this. The rest look like the internet spiraling out of control. I could also be wrong and this is a huge hoax just to make some internet money. There are an incredible amount of internet millionaires just by YouTube channels and website hits. After merchandise, subscriptions and donations there is an entire industry out there to be made. Trolls get paid by the government to start fights, and have multiple accounts. Its been proven often that one real person will post a single thread post, and the entire thread below him is the one troll with several fake names arguing with himself... this is madness! (Editors note: I call that "replysturbating")
After my article on JFK , many people said I have no idea what the Mandela effect means, I don't get it. I must not have shifted?
Look, my wife and I both know each other inside and out, we both remember many effects differently yet we never switched out with another dimensional couple. We're not inter-dimensional swingers. We still recall every detail of our time together during this Mandela process.
Yet, my wife couldn't remember the correct line of a movie to save the world. Its just a fact that sometimes people can't remember, and don't want to sound dumb, so they say "yeah that's what I remember too!" There is zero way that I can have in my daughters library 2 books that are different, in which one says mirror mirror and the other says magic mirror if everything shifted. One would have to be saying that my daughters room has a split paradigm where the CERN effects pick and choose which effects to dole out. Under this wild a theory, I suppose that's possible, but where does it end? Unless every book I find in this dimension is different or it's still the same, I don't think the theory pans out, period. Especially considering the lengths these illusionists (that claim the divine or demonic right to enslave the rest of us) have been shown they will go to.
I must end this here, as I could go on for ever. I really just wanted to show that I believe the Mandela story is a cover with more to it. Crazy world leaders believing in Occult pagan religions and performing ceremonies at the same time as ancient prophecy, while they try to start to a new global economy that is even more to their liking seems much more likely to me. (Editors note: Did friendly ET's kill the comet, just to freak them out?)
I really want to people to come to the understanding that when there is a major story in the news or a huge alternative moment pushing an agenda, be wary. There most likely is more to it; and that it could be one of their many distraction, divide and conquer techniques.
About the Author: Chance K George
is Author,lead researcher & Talk show host of MBC' s Break through show TRUTH TALK. Co - Founder and Executive Producer at The Media Broadcasting Center. Husband & father of 3 beautiful children. Martial Arts expert with multiple Black Belts. Production Engineer & Stage Musician.