When the Mandela Effect came on the scene, it gained momentum as quickly as the Flat Earth Movement. Both phenomena had a significant impact on the Truth Movement, igniting heated debates and demanding definitive answers. You could not be on the fence: the earth is flat, or it is a globe. We either slipped into a parallel universe where some people's memories have changed, or we did not. Both sides presented substantial proofs and videos detailing how officials have lied, and how history has been hidden or altered. While I agree that we have been lied to about many things, I won’t delve into my thoughts on Flat Earth here, as the Mandela Effect is the topic at hand.
When the Mandela Effect was brought to my attention, I jumped right in to examine the evidence. Some of these differences, like the Berenstain Bears and "Mirror, Mirror," were peculiar, and I figured they shouldn't be too hard to disprove or verify. I will discuss my findings on many of these effects in other lessons, but let’s call this one Lesson 1: The JFK Fail.

Any researcher familiar with the JFK case could debunk this in less time than it took me to write this article, but it seems necessary to address, given how viral this series of videos has become. Even the official history taught in schools supports this one. Although no one takes that as fact anymore, the groundbreaking Oliver Stone movie JFK mentions the six people in the car when debunking the magic bullet theory. That film is quite popular among researchers.
The entire basis for the magic bullet theory is that one bullet passed through JFK, causing multiple wounds in him, then hit John Connally, who instantly began to fall back into his wife’s lap. Her name is Idanell "Nellie" Brill Connally. While naming people, let me list them all right here with a picture of each:

1. Bill Greer Driver
2. Roy Kellerman SAIC Secret Service
3. John Connally Governor
4. Nellie Connally Governor's Wife
5. John F. Kennedy President
6. Jackie Kennedy President's Wife
That should be enough to put the matter to rest, but I will include a series of pictures from more than just the Zapruder film, including those from the parade route. Additionally, I will reference a number of books that name all six people. I’ll even include the Warren Report for those non-conspiracy believers who ironically subscribe to the Mandela conspiracy.
The issue is that many haven't spent any time looking into this. They have no general knowledge beyond sporting events or their favorite YouTube channels. Ask any 50-plus-year-old researcher, “Who was in the car?” and they will name them instantly. These researchers have identified every single person seen in every frame, and those they can’t identify have lifelong nicknames like “Badge Man” and “Doorway Man.” I understand the desire for there to be more to this, but this simply isn't it. Not every faded or incorrect memory is the Mandela Effect... sometimes, it’s just you!
Please review the many pictures, videos, and government documents proving my case. I will also include the video that sparked this article below. This is not the only one, but it is the one I watched. The voiceover says this doesn’t affect all of us; some of us didn’t go through the shift. No, what it is, is that some people are not detached from reality. Hopefully, this is enough for Lesson 1. More to follow.
Here John himself saying he and his wife were in the car, video proof
5 people in frame, just moments before the gunfire

Newpaper Headlines

Some real good color shots

Black and white because people seem to claim a difference

About the Author: Chance K. George
Chance K. George is an author, lead researcher, and talk show host of MBC's breakthrough show, Truth Talk. He is also the co-founder and executive producer at The Media Broadcasting Center. A dedicated husband and father of three beautiful children, Chance is a martial arts expert with multiple black belts. Additionally, he is a production engineer and stage musician.